About Minor

Melody minor, harmony minor, natural minor
What is the difference between these minor tunes?

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Is this what you mean @swingmix ?

Melody minor, harmony minor, natural minor
What is the difference between these minor tunes?

YES :smile:
I’ve revised it. Sorry, there are mistakes in my previous writing. I’ve revised it
We can have a normal discussion
thank you :+1:

In C a Major scale is C D E F G A B. A Natural Minor scale in C is C D Eb F G Ab Bb
The harmonic minor scale is derivative of the minor scale where the seventh scale degree is raised by a half step. C D Eb F G Ab B
The melodic minor scale is a minor scale with raised sixth and seventh scale degrees, but only when ascending. A descending melodic minor scale is identical to a natural minor scale . Melodic Minor ascending C D Eb F G A B. and Descending C Bb Ab G F Eb D. This is the preferred way composers use the Melodic Minor Scale.

Natural Minor (Aeolian) is the standard one, emotional, sentimental, dark - easiest to work with (compatible)
Harmonic Minor has an exotic stretch at the end making it more mysterious and more exotic
Melodic Minor has nice versatility and is sweeter and more - melodic!