Already purchased Scaler 2 - Thinking on InstaComposer 2 or Melody Sauce 2 - What's best?

I can only agree with that: just playing around with Pigments 5 in the last days, and it is really amazing. I purchased it for 69$, through that “intro offer” (in the launch days).

I also saw that Pigments upgrades are free, and this is great. A good investment, so.

Now I am looking at V Collection, but it is very expensive for me yet.

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Pigments 5 is really something. You can even use Pigments’ Sequencer / Arpeggiator for other VSTs you own. Just route your midi like you would with Scaler and you will be very happy.

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The problem is that I found I hate synths, Minimonsta 2 included
And I also hate arpeggiators

I love only the keyboards that sound “organics” like the pianoforte, a few funky electric pianos, and the Hammond, and I have all them already, so I’ll never buy it

No Genesis for you then.

Genesis are redeemed, together with many prog/rock keyboard players

But the Hammond sound is unbeatable to my ears

Anyway, it is not true that I hate synths

My ears hate synths when the sound is made with sawtooth waveforms
For sweet textures, my ears like them

BTW, the arpeggios below were created with Scaler using very fast times
If you like, test them with a synth, and let me know if you can do the same with an arpeggiator

Scaler-State_2024-03-09_231516.xml (13.1 KB)
Scaler-State_2024-03-09_231552.xml (13.1 KB)
Scaler-State_2024-03-09_231659.xml (13.1 KB)

And here is a tune created with one of those arpeggios: Wakeman

I have ALL of these tools. really
If you want to create MELODIES.
I think a hidden secret in music tool land is RapidComposer.
Interface and UI are … let s be friendly… not up to date, but the underlying POWER is worth the learning curve.
Check it out.
This said and having all these tools, Scaler is my starting center point for creating chords and impressive progressions.

RapidComposer seems great, but It’s very expensive. An intermediate tool, however, in my opinion, would be Captain Plugins.

But overall I keep Scaler 2, it’s really great.

“VFX Sequencer is a pattern arpeggiator and step sequencer designed to be used in Patcher to send note sequences to connected instrument plugins.”

Have you considered IMAGE-LINE’s VFX Sequencer?!

I don’t use it but it maybe useful.

Hi @kafulu ,

Many thanks. I’ll check this.