Back to Live at Pompei with Scaler 2.4

Do you like to come back to that era with me?

Wear just bell-bottoms trousers and a bandana, leaving your lean muscular chest uncovered…

Now put a Leslie plugin on a Mellotron Boys Choir…

Then set 2 Scaler instances, one to drive AAS Strum GS-2 in Loop mode, the other to guide the guitar solo…

Scaler guitar solo.xml (10.0 KB) Scaler rhythm guitar.xml (9.6 KB)

Pick up this rhythmic guitar…

Use this routing and guitar effects…

Now loop the 2 Scaler and do an impromptu live shot with your distorted guitar, not giving in to temptation to bend the fragile keyboard keys, instead of using the Modulation reel :rofl:

At the end, you should have something like this


Not sure I have the right drugs going for this. :laughing:

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Echoes, my favourite track of all time, the harmonies of David and Rick are beautiful, and they make their instruments talk to each other through out. The most emotional version is from Live in Gadansk, Rick’s last time playing this track before his sad death.

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You have it little devil…
it’s Scaler