Easy mixing... how?

I know, I know :grinning:
I have Neutron and Ozone already, and maybe I’ll buy Nektar if a tasty deal arises

Welcome @ed66 Yes I would imagine most people around here have an account with Plugin Boutique! Also yes Elements are great starting point.

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at the end I’ll use my old Dell Latitude D520 notebook revitalized with max RAM it can handle (4 GB) and a fast SSD

only Reaper is installed with ASIO4ALL, so they work smoothly (just tested)

in the near future I’ll buy a Marantz Sound Shield Compact to improve a bit the mic output

the nagger is almost deaf, so no problem there :joy:, and the room I’ll use to sing is distant enough to not bother my wife

thanks to you all for tips & tricks

Ha! :laughing: Now you tell me. :joy:

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