Midi Map &/or Automate "Bind Incoming Midi Notes" "Patterns"

I’d like to be able to assign the “Bind incoming midi notes to chord triggers” A/B/C toggles and the custom Pattern buttons to my midi controllers. Being able to fluidly switch between them from the controller without touching the mouse would be huge for my workflow.

Being able to automate these changes in a timeline would be fun to experiment with but not necessary.

More automation control and mapping capabilities the better as always

Welcome @brink100 I think being able to control A/B/C bind is a priority for me. It’s just lingered below the priorities we have. had but give the 2.2 all new navigation hot keys for A/B/C will come soon. Just run out of time. Scaler will undergo a complete overhaul in the future in which midi mapping will be part of that.

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