Multi Out with Multi-timbral synths. MIDI routing basic tips and DAW Setups

Great that you signed up for the Hyperion trial … hope you enjoy it. There is a discord server and YT channel for advice. I hope to post a video about how to use Scaler multi out with Hyperion and Falcon as soon as I get time to make it…

There’s several hundreds presets and the developer releases more with each update. Actually the developer is very customer-focused and updates the app regularly

Being a modular synth if you are new to modular the learning curve is there, but it’s much simpler than VCV Rack!

Yes, I agree. My point is it’s like The Grid for people who haven’t got Bitwig, which makes it an unnecessary purchase for me.:+1:t2:

There is a bug in the Hyperion installer. It offers a choice of location for the files, and I selected k: (the main location of al programs), but the VST wasn’t pick up by the DAW.

I discovered that it had installed that in k: as well (in spite of the web site saying it would be installed in the normal place).

Anyway, a trivial fix, but I thought I’d flag it for anyone else who doesn’t sink the system drive under a mount of application crap.

Number of clicks to buy @jamieh was probably my fault as the Hyperion link I supplied was to its general information website. Hyperion is sold via Tracktion and their Black Friday sale continues at up to 65% off, but due to end soon…

My apologies…the Buy button is on Hyperion’s title page at Tracktion