No midi fx (scaler 2 built-in instruments list not showing)

I have been watching the youtube video tutorials from this channel:

I am using Logic on Catalina. Everyhting works except the ability to choose a scaler 2 built in instrument from the drop down list. Only problem is, there is no list to choose anything just says “no midi fx”

In the above linked video, he is using Logic. And he is able to use the built in instuments. What am i missing?

There are different types of plugins…

I use neither of Logic or Mac, however,

I am going to take a gander that you are using the wrong variation of plugin. But, I don’t know that for sure.

There is a setup video for Logic.

Note: This covers everything…

but, hopefully the video will help clear up everything. And hopefully you are on the latest version.

The documentation states that the midi fx plugin (ScalerControl 2) does not output sound

but for some reason is still is doesn’t work when properly setup.
can you visit this post to vote in order to help fix this issue?

Has there been a fix for this problem yet? I was able to use scaler control in logic before 2.5. It was glitchy but worked. Now I am getting no sound out of any instruments. I don’t see the solution anywhere.

Is another 3rd party plug-in needed to get this to work? Not having any problems with Scaler as an instrument.

Yes, same for me, having the issue which is why I came here.