Probability performances

What are the chances of adding probability under the performance tab.
There could be varying amounts of probability added to.
Articulations/Arpeggio, Strumming.
Performances/Phrases, Rhythms, bass, Melody, Sequence’s, Strummed sequence’s
This would be excellent for live jamming.


Maybe they love your suggestion and implement it in the 3.0 version. Until then you could use something like Riffer and use it for keyswitches. Or you use the free Stochas sequencer wich would do the same. I know it is not the same like you imagine but put a certain selection of Articulations/Arpeggio, Strumming.
Performances/Phrases, Rhythms, bass, Melodies etc. in different patterns and groups and Riffer / Stochas will do the rest. :slight_smile:

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I made a video how to do it


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Thanks for the demonstration this is a good idea. I will give it a try with Stochas.
I would get Riffer but I don’t want to pay twice for probability, once for Riffer and then again if it gets added to Scaler 3.

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Hi @kjlietz

Just tried some of your idea with Stochas and it seems to work well. :grinning:


:grin: Stochas has some really good tricks up its sleeves. For example, there is the possibility to build conditional notes into your sequence. Enjoy!

Always happy to inspire :slight_smile: Maybe we get to see the result in a video? :crossed_fingers: