Samplitude 8 + Scaler 2, note pitches are too low

I just purchased and installed Scaler 2 and installed it for use with Samplitude 8 (Windows 11). Using the built-in Scaler 2, the notes produced by both the VST2 and VST3 instruments are more than a semitone off (too low) – A4 is reading 404HZ when it should be 440HZ.

Performing this test with Bandlab / Scaler 2 does NOT have this issue, the notes are the correct pitch.

Any suggestions on getting Scaler 2 to work correctly with Samplitude?

Welcome to the forum @chandig
Sounds like there’s some sample rate confusion there. Judging by your numbers I am guessing your host is running at 48kHz and Scaler is locking at 44.1kHz. You may need to dig around clock/sample rate settings in your host.

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Thanks @davide for your quick reply.

Yes, my Samplitude host was set to 48kHz. I had been using ASIO4ALL v2.15; there was an option within ASIO4ALL to always resample 44.1kHz <> 48kHz. Once I enabled that, the pitch issue was resolved.

Strangely enough, once the issue was resolved, the pitch problem was also fixed with other ASIO drivers that I use (Behringer UMC ASIO) which do not have the resample option.