Scaler 2.8.1 new feature: automating fill in Section C

I found a strange and an amazing feature:

The amazing feature is that if you put one chord into section C then click on Suggest > Pattern all the 7 remaining places can be filled with chords
Now add another line with the + sign, click on Pattern and the 2nd line will be full of chords automatically!
You can go on this way up to the end of the remaining lines with just a few clicks

The strange feature is that Scaler developers add improvements silently, but mention just fixes
:thinking: :grinning:


And you can even just open a new Scaler and just click suggest and Pattern and Fill and it will give you a unique chord progression that is different every time and is AI led based on the artist created content internally!


Going to try this out now, thank you @ClaudioPorcellana!

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Can you detail this out for me a little please? I cannot yet seem to find fill feature for eg.

What I have been able to do it open Scalar, Click Suggest => Pattern => Then pads are filled with chords, but from there I haven’t seen how to use the fill feature yet.

I’m pretty sure that is the Fill feature. If you have no chords in a pattern and hit Suggest / Pattern, it will Fill the pattern with chords. If you have some chords already in a pattern and hit Suggest, clicking the Pattern button will give you the option to Override Current Pattern with Replace, which replaces all chords in the current pattern or Fill, which will fill in any empty Chords.

I use this all the time and it is a great way to quickly play with ideas. Combined with Scaler’s ability to change playback settings in real-time, you can do a bunch of really cool stuff quickly. Also, if you want to do some key changes, This feature combined with the Mod feature (letting you find paths to certain chords) is a great way to explore options.


It is not just Fill
try to hit “+” to add an empty line, then hit Pattern and nothing else…

Thank you, this is so helpful.

Are there any tutorials etc on this?

Below is a post and little video I did on the Exploring Scaller Settings topic.

FWIW, I tend to think of Scaler in several modes:
1 Learn and Practice - using things like key locking for chord learning and play quantize for timing practice
2 Compose and Produce - using things like existing chords & patterns, as well as Suggest and Performances to get a particular sound I’m looking for.
3 Explore and Create (by far my favorite) - using the settings and various performance modes almost like a synth. It lets me play with the different settings in real-time to see what can be teased out of Scaler. I’ll also feed Scaler’s midi back into Scaler in what might be called a recursive pattern.

I sense most people just scratch the surface when it comes to this amazing tool. When you start combining settings, performances modes, instruments and midi sequences, the paths through Scaler are, for all practical purposes, infinite.


Thank you, particularly interested in the real time potential there.

You forgot another mode:
put together a minimal and quick base, then jam forever with your preferred solo instrument
:grinning: :heart_eyes:

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