Scaler is good at Balkan tunes

BTW, what do you mean for “world music”?

AFAIK It’s quite a wide term that includes one zillion of different styles, and I doubt that all them “need dyads and octaves within them”

The wiki definition
"music that does not follow “North American or British pop and folk traditions”

Musical arrangements sometimes need instruments to support them with a single tone. I like dyads since they leave enough room for other instruments.

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can you give me some link to that dyads?
I am curious

thanks for suggestions: I love LEB I SOL

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Dyads are chords consisting of two notes. Adding octaves to the root additionally is a common technique in playing guitar.

C4 = C+F
C5 = C+G
D4 = D+G
D5 = D+E

If you add 4ths or 5ths to each note in C Major you finish up with 12 different dyads. An effective way to start to learn to hear and write melodies I think.

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OK, and now can I have a link to some band or musician that use those dyads?

Dyads belong to the basic skills of the guitar and music theory. If you watch guitarists in any style you will see how they integrate them into their playing. Be it Jazz or Metal. In dense arrangements, it makes sense to use them.

Dyads and “double stops” are close cousins, so try googling “guitar double stops” for links and videos on the style when applied to the guitar. However, many other players of stringed instruments use the same technique.

Double stops… Strange term. When i saw it for the first time, i thought it was a strange technique of strumming or so,until i found out what it really was. Especially because it was many times related to Hendrix. Fortunately, it’s much simpler.:grinning: