Scaler seems disliking Ableton Groups

I am testing the Ableton Live 11 Standard Grouping feature that is very useful to take away sliders from Scaler clutches :grin:

The problem is that I cannot create more than 2 groups, or even 2 groups + something else like here, or Ableton crashes :cold_face:

I tried to understand why, and it doesn’t seem linked to my weak PC
as you see here when Ableton freezes a while before crashing

The routing is below

Here is the Scaler used for Strum GS-2

Scaler 1.xml (18.4 KB)

And here the Scaler used for VB3-II

Scaler 2.xml (18.8 KB)

The first 1-2 minutes I can play with soloes, even if the Keys-Lock notes are 50% wrong, but after another minute or less Ableton freezes and crashes

If I use the same routing without the 2 groups all works so I can survive to it, nevertheless this bug is annoying

P.S: when Ableton freezes, the yellow circled marks under the second Scaler are all lit up, that seems telling that it is the culprit

What version of Ableton do you have? I mean, Suite vs. Lite etc. Cause there’s a limit on grouping in the Lite version.

thanks for pointing it up @Bernd
I have the Standard version

Well I duplicated this as much as I could on a Mac meaning it looked the same as your except for the Bass being Zebra. Played for a few minutes then Live just blinked out. Did not see an overload on the CPU at the bottom but I looked away just before the crash.
This is the crash element noting Scaler ----
Thread 10 Crashed::
0 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b4641d0 scaler::ScaleLockModel::getModifiedMidiNoteNumberForMode(int, std::__1::shared_ptrscaler::Scale, scaler::ScaleLockModel::ScaleLockMode) + 2800
1 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b465188 scaler::ScaleLockModel::getModifiedMidiNoteNumber(int) + 56
2 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b53ef75 scaler::ScaleLockTransform::transformData(scaler::PlayableItem) + 197
3 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b555f87 scaler::Transformer::processNoteOn(scaler::PlayableMidiNote const&, scaler::PlayableItemParameters&, int) + 3431
4 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b560116 scaler::Transformer::processNextMidiEvent(juce::MidiMessage const&, int, scaler::PlayableItemParameters) + 198
5 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b56a4f7 scaler::Transformer::processNextMidiBuffer(juce::MidiBuffer&, int, int, bool) + 6119
6 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b48b6fe ScalerAudioProcessor::processBlock(juce::AudioBuffer&, juce::MidiBuffer&) + 3358
7 com.pluginboutique.Scaler2 0x000000019b16e246 JuceVSTWrapper::processReplacingCB(Vst2::AEffect*, float**, float**, int) + 1190
8 0x000000010f9d7fbe 0x10d4f8000 + 38666174
9 0x000000010f9d7c77 0x10d4f8000 + 38665335
10 0x000000010f9c0410 0x10d4f8000 + 38568976
11 0x000000010e8bfc8f 0x10d4f8000 + 20741263
12 0x000000010e8df99d 0x10d4f8000 + 20871581
13 0x000000010e8c386a 0x10d4f8000 + 20756586
14 0x000000010e8c362a 0x10d4f8000 + 20756010
15 0x000000010e8cc3cd 0x10d4f8000 + 20792269
16 0x000000010e8e0c11 0x10d4f8000 + 20876305
17 0x000000010e8d61b8 0x10d4f8000 + 20832696
18 0x000000010e8c957d 0x10d4f8000 + 20780413
19 0x000000010e8d5cbe 0x10d4f8000 + 20831422
20 0x000000010e8d5ba6 0x10d4f8000 + 20831142
21 0x000000010ef1ad79 0x10d4f8000 + 27405689
22 0x000000010ee95c24 0x10d4f8000 + 26860580
23 0x00007fff50935825 HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOWorkLoop() + 5021
24 0x00007fff509342bc HALC_ProxyIOContext::IOThreadEntry(void*) + 128
25 0x00007fff50933ffe HALB_IOThread::Entry(void*) + 72
26 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff791b9661 _pthread_body + 340
27 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff791b950d _pthread_start + 377
28 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff791b8bf9 thread_start + 13

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Thanks for reporting we will have a look.