Suggest chords for melody note

I’m really enjoying Scaler and finding it quite useful as a creative tool. One feature that I would like to see is “suggest chords that support chord melody composition and reharmonization” by showing chords/inversions where a given note within a scale is the highest (melody) or lowest (bass) note of the suggested chord.

For example, if I’m in the key of F major, and I choose the note A from the scale (the third), Scaler could suggest (among many others):

  • Triads: F (second inversion), Dmin, Gsus2 (second inversion), and so on
  • 7ths: G7, Fmaj7 (third inversion), and so on
  • …and so on
  • …not to mention the various reharmonizations where that A is a tension of a chord outside the key/scale.

This request is similar to an older one from a couple years ago.


Thanks @marcja and welcome to the forum. Feedback always great and that thread you referred to is indeed on our priority list.


Is indeed on our priority list

How funny is this: Earlier today I came across the need for that feature again, and as it’s been a few years since my original request (and I appreciate that the team must get a a ton of requests) I decided to see if I could give a little nudge for it again … so I have literally just put together a nice little demonstration and I came here to post it. Then I noticed I had an unread notification in my inbox. I check it out and discovered @marcja’s post referencing my original request!

So, the screen recording I put together is kind of useless I guess, but I’ve shared it above anyway, so that anyone else reading this thread can see an example of exactly how & where it would be useful.

Thanks @marcja for bringing it up again, and thanks @davide for confirming it’s a priority. It’s going to be a killer feature!