Thanks Dev team for your work on 2.3.1 - love CoF's preview

Team…just wanted to say thanks for your latest release. The preview chord (and performances) on click w/in the Circle of 5ths is a great addition. I’m sure this was kind of possible before, but the focused simplicity of this UX really makes a real difference. As someone who is just learning about much of this stuff, the ability to move through the circle while you SEE and HEAR things shift is a game changer for me. It reinforces some theory basics and adds a level of ear training in context which is fantastic. It really resonates with me (ouch) This, combined with built-in music notation features w/in S1 and others, makes for a great exploring, learning and creating experience. Had I had this as a kid…I would have stuck with my piano lessons. Thanks you!


You’re most welcome. Thanks to Ed and team for implementing and thanks to whichever user suggested it. I love it too. Being able to audition performances or dynamic voicing in the CO5ths is game changing for me too!


It was something I saw in CB, SO and an Android CoF app. I thought it would make creating so much more intuitive. Even those of us who aren’t great with music theory know what we like when we hear it, and Scaler gives us the ability to create personally satisfying music. Well done!

P.S. Scaler takes the burden off DAW developers to add chord composition features - just use it with your preferred DAW.