The Ghost of Carlos

…just posted this Scaler demo here…

It’s with version 2.3, but pretty cool nevertheless!


Is great.
Thanks, Bernd

Wow! Nothing else to say. Pure genius.

His family is finding all kinds of unpublished goodies he left behind, and now are putting them out there for the world to enjoy. Follow Carlos’ channel to find more of such treasures…


it is interesting to see he used a routing + MIDI Polysher in the same way I use them with AAS Strum-GS 2 to have riff variations

Moreover: I love THAT guitar sound!

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Having tested and bought UJAM Sparkle, I replayed this video and found some interesting things

Carlos used just one Scaler instance with C3-B4 Grouping

that is not ideal because UJAM Chords cover C4 to C6

This is surely why Carlos added the MIDI Polysher to transpose 12+ and enter the UJAM Chord region

But my question is: why Carlos left Common Phrases untouched?

Hitting UJAM Common Phrases with another Scaler instance could add more varability, or I am just wrong?