What happened to the Scaler 2.5 change log page?

I just tried accessing the Scaler 2.5 change log page.
Scaler 2 Update Information / Changelog – Plugin Boutique
I could not capture the original page link.

And get the following.
Bummer. It looks like the help center at support.pluginboutique.com no longer exists.

I assume it might be a temporary issue or server maintenance.
Anyone else receiving that?

Well, they were obviously using Zendesk, and it would seem that has terminated.

There is a page https://help.pluginboutique.com/hc/en-us which is maybe the framework for a replacement, which they have apparently taken in-house.

It may well be that they have left a few old links lying about pointing to Zendesk.

(30 seconds later) Just seen https://help.pluginboutique.com/hc/en-us/categories/6069243566612-Scaler-2 which I guess is where it now is.

Changelogs can be found here too:

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Thank you for the link!