Which sound do you usually use in Scaler?

I used to use the grand piano by default.
However, I recently found that chords become 7th, 9th, 11th and 13th
The grand piano sounds uncomfortable
I’m now trying to use an electric piano
So I’d like to ask what voice everyone likes to use?

Felt Piano is on for my default.

I often am content just to use the default Felt Piano sound too, for quick prototyping before I either drag the chords into DAW piano roll, or route Scaler in front of an actual soft synth.

But when I choose to stay in Scaler, to keep things simple (and focus more on music theory than getting less sidetracked by sound design, my specialty :wink: I often use the Celestial Existence and Ethereal Wonders pads, since I love pads in general.

Of course when I play around with staccato’ish melodies, like 1/8 or 1/6th notes in the various Performances, I pick a more plucky sound, like Pluckity. And when I play around with bass lines, I tend to use Retro Bass.

Felt piano I feel a little reverberation

no sound at all
I am a
Black sheep

did the sheep eat the rabbit?
And is this Shaun’s cousin?

Rabbit Composer disappeared like
Now I am Happy Jammer

I recently find myself often going straight to Scaler for its lovely pad sounds. They (and the Scaler plugin instance) are CPU friendly and sound excellent, especially in combination with another. Here’s an example tune I put together, other than the percussion loop, it’s all Scaler internal sounds…
Scaler Pads by Bernd@PDX | SoundCloud0

Now also on Youtube with amateur footage from a Jupiter sighting
Jupiter on the Horizon | Sound Art by Aleamanic - YouTube

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A lot of Staccato strings, some Ethereal Wonders, grand piano (although I often double it in my DAW) and some woodwind pad. Felt piano is nice, but I find I usually can’t use it effectively in my mix. Most of the others are a little too house for my taste.

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