Accessing Akai VIP Chord sets or others

Hi guys

I am wondering if it’s possible to load chord sets from other programs/plug ins into Scalar? For instance, I had used Akai VIP for a while and it had some great chord sets I really liked. I don’t want to use VIP anymore as its support is lacking but I really like the chord sets. Is it possible to get Scalar to load these chord progressions?

When I did a search of my VIP’s files I realise there is a file called .vprog. When I open this in a text editor I can see the file has code and some of it has midi notes (eg it says notes 34, 53, etc for chords).

I guess there are two options:

  1. Somehow convert this file into a MIDI file and then get Scalar to detect the Midi
  2. Somehow convert this file into a file format Scalar can read.

I’m lacking in any real technical skills but does anyone know if what I’m trying to do is possible?


This will work provided you can create the midi file ( don’t know the Akai VIP). Can you record the Akai VIP output as midi? If not can you save the output as an audio file and then use Sclaer’s Audio detect?

Then you can simply save the chordset as a user chordset.

Thanks ed66

I can’t record the midi output of the VIP for reasons unknown. I’ve tried everything possible. I guess I could convert it to Audio as you say and then use the Scalar audio detect. It’s just my experience with audio detect is that it hasn’t been so accurate when I’ve tried with other audio sources before.

Thanks for the suggestions of the Midi to Scalar converter John_1234. The problem I have is that I can’t seem to convert to Midi file in the first place. As In I can’t record the mid output from VIP