{AI composition} The mighty Amazon Web Services delves into music composition

I see that AWS have introduced an AI based composition service. Essentially, you choose a genre, upload a melody, and it will produce a 4 part new composition based around that (it says).

It’s free for 12 months. They actually offer a keyboard to go with the service, but when you follow the link it is not available and it says then don’t know when or if might be. (nul pwan, Amazon)

Oddly, it says “get creative and customise your AI generated music” which seems to be a bit of a contradiction in terms. This approach encapsulates the reason I use Scaler and not Captain Epic 99% of the time.

They even have some form of ‘chart’ competition.

I suspect not withstanding the depth of their pockets, certain Melbourne residents won’t be loosing any sleep to hear this.

I watched a few videos on YouTube and nothing convinced me at all. I’ll at least avoid a service like that myself. Captain Melody is great for making melodies. Similarly, with the Orb Producer program, you get nice rhythms for chords and nice melodies and Arpeggios. Rapid Composer is good at some things and is versatile.


I agree entirely about the use of several sources. All these gizmos are not expensive in comparison with most hobbies (any golfers here?) , so the great thing is that having them in your tool bag enables you to open it up and add a bit of Rapid here, use Captain for this or Phrasebox for that.

In my case Scaler sits at the heart of it to establish mood (aka scale) and create base progressions / melodic lines which the other tools can embellish or complement.

In addition, I don’t learn much from hitting the ‘dice’ button in Captain, but in Scaler
I fiddle with ‘suggest’ and explore modulation options and that enhances what basic theory knowledge I have by linking the sound to chord / scale. It’s one thing to know that the Lydian Mode has a #4, but quite another to be able to recognise it in music and to envisage how it might fit in a piece.

I assume (but have no idea) that the application has a strong market in the education field.

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Just had a quick look, and can only say the Band in Box guys must be laughing.


Thanks for the post. I’ll have a look but something about this makes me a little ill.