Arturia Sale

Until Dec. 5th, Arturia has several products on sale. The prices can be very intersting depending on their products you own.
It goes from 50% off to much less than that. V Collection 9 is normally 599$ but the sales price is 299$… As the owner of some of their instruments and the “small” package I received with my Keylab I was offered the complete V Collection 9 for 149$.
The other product , FX Collection 4 , is normally 499$, on sale for 249$ and my exclusive offer is 69$.
If you like these products and alredy own some hardware or plugins by Arturia, you can connect to your account and check the price.

V-Collection 8 for $49 (might be US only)
Search results for: ‘arturia v-collection 8 software instrument bundle software plug-in download’ (

Yes, this is in probably US $, and mine $149 is the same currency.

What is more in V Collection 9 than in V Collection 8?

New instruments:

  • KORG MS-20 V
  • Ensoniq’s SQ80 V
  • Augmented STRINGS (Complete version)
  • Augmented VOICES (Complete version)

Rebuilt instruments:

  • Prophet-5 V
  • Prophet-VS V
  • CS-80 V
  • Piano V

Is this worth the price difference? It depends.

I liked Augmented Strings and Augmented Voices, but their individual price out of the Collection was about what I paid for the entire V Collection 9. On the other hand, Hammond B3 alone on rebate costs about $79, Pigments, too. Regular price is, I think, $149 for each of them. So, $49 for V Collection 8 is nothing compared to these prices. And I suppose the updates to 9, 10 or so will be with a substantial rebate.

However, if someone prefers V Collection 9, everything depends on the rebate. In my case, it was worth $149. At $249, maybe not that much, and $499 is out of the question.

In fact, oftentimes, I ask myself: What is the real price of an instrument or a collection (any developer)? Is it the most often selling price during the year (the highest, of course), a rebate price (50% off or less) or the ridiculously low loyalty price? As the latter is a special case, I would say that 50% rebate price should be a “normal price” and should be the baseline for all the rebates.

I like Arturia and am interested in their products, but they have nothing to do with Scaler. So I’m wondering what this is doing in this forum

Scaler users share occasionally information about the sales of external instruments that we use with Scaler and are driven by Scaler. Personally, i use several Arturia, NI, UJAM etc instruments with Scaler and why not having them at a good price, and sharing that with other users?

It’s fine with me and I’m new on the block.

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