Can you loop play all patterns?

I am using MIDI CAPTURE/DRAG to move a pattern into my project. It seems that you can only play one pattern at a time… I want to hit CAPTURE and then the PLAY button. But I want ALL my patterns to play before I STOP and Drag.
so basically, a loop button should go through all chords in a patterns…
is there a way to do this. ? or is this a feature request ?

Hi bichon!
All you have to do is lassoing your all patterns with your mouse. Here I have pasted picture on that. Hope this help :slight_smile:

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super !. didn’t see that in the manual i printed !

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This is one of the reason why I love this forum:

It is a collaborative one, not a warlike forum as I see in other fields, notably photography :crazy_face:

And amateurs like me can often receive help by seasoned professionals also


lol. Being a photographer I see that too. Mostly equipment bashing I guess you are referring to ?

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Exactly that I meant