Cannot update Scaler 2.6 to 2.7 or 2.8

With Windows 10 64 bit I cannot update Scaler 2.6 to either 2.7 or 2.8. I get an install message #5 which prevents the updated files to install.


Sounds like a permissions issue. Did something change on your computer? Logged in as admin? If you reinstall 2.6 do you have the same problem?

I will check, but first will re-boot the computer and will have no programs running after a fresh download 2.8 from PIB.

After reboot Win 10, and installing with admin permission, SCALER 2.8 finally installed. I loaded a previous file into Ableton Live Lite which shows a Scaler 2 loaded, but no indication the the loaded Scaler 2.8 was the correct load.

I am betting you are trying to install the Mac version on a PC. A common issue.

FYI-I am quite sure that I originally downloaded the Win version, not MAC.

On the upper left click on the Scaler Logo and choose “About/Help”.
The version will be in the lower left of the About Screen.

Thank you so much! SCALER 2.8 is up and running on Ableton live lite!

Great! Glad it’s working for you.