Chord progression reported following the bar count

Is it possible to have scarlar2 report/analize the cords as they occur fixed to the bar they occur in? “Reconstruction” of the cord progression after the fact really slows down the work flow. Singer/songwriters often come in without really having a workable “lead sheet,” just the lyrics and “some chords.”…tia…/s~

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Hi @Steve.scalar

I don’t think Scaler will record timings on chords. However you can set timings for individual chord blocks using the Playback Timings panel on the EDIT page.

In the screenshot below I am playing with a 4/4 time signature so that 1 bar is 4 beats. The default chord duration (set in the Settings Menu) is 4 beats.

The first chord I have set the REPEAT value to 2 and the chord repeats across two bars playing twice for 4 beats.
The second chord I have set the DURATION to 0.5 so it plays for only 2 beats.
The third chord I have set the REPEAT value to 3 and the chord repeats across three bars playing three times for 4 beats.
The fourth chord I have set the DURATION to 0.5 so it plays for only 2 beats but the REPEAT is set to 2 so it repeats in a bar (twice for 2 beats).
The fifth chord I have set the DURATION to 0.5 so it plays for only 2 beats.

Hope this helps


You can also hold a chord over more than one bar by setting the DURATION to a number greater than 1 and keeping the REPEAT setting to 1. So to hold a chord over two bars set DURATION = 2 and REPEAT =1.