Chord voicings edit should observe Scaler UI velocity setting

Hello. When editing chord voicings in section C any modification (octave, inversion, semi-tone) will blast the chord at the top volume level bypassing the Scaler UI velocity setting. IMHO for a harmonious use these modification previews should also observe the user velocity setting.


Hi @mevla

Could you please confirm what version of Scaler 2 you are running?
There was a release quite a while ago now where we introduced changes to the way UI Velocity was implemented.
The behavior you are describing sounds like you might not be on a recent version as the chord previews when adjusting Octave, Inversion or Semi-tones do adhere to the Scaler UI Velocity setting.

I would suggest checking your version and updating if necessary (current is 2.8.1) and if you are experiencing this issue on the latest version then you could post your specs, operating system and DAW + DAW version so that we could take a further look at the issue.

Hello. Sorry for the delay. The Scaler2 version I am running is 2.8.1 VST3 (from the Help screen). It runs in Linux Bitwig 5.0.4, Xubuntu 22.04 using yabridge and its specified wine version. The UI velocity setting is otherwise observed, apart from these edit modifications.