ChordPotion Updated

For those of you who like me use ChordPotion to generate arpeggio and melody lines from chords, an update has been released with some additional tools in the step sequencers. You can find out more in the update video.


very nice. thank you

I played all day today, and I have to say, this is a great invention. And those music engines.

Hi @swingmix

Have you tried creating a melody on Page 1 then copying it to Page 2 and adding in some randomisation, and then repeat this from page 2 to page 3. and so on? This is even moer fun if you then edit the sequences as well.

Then when you want to use the melodies you can just switch between the pages using key switches, just like in Scaler.

The key switches are the notes from the lowest octave in your DAW or on your keyboard.

Have fun :smile: :smile:

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This looks good. However, I find 5% off a little beat cheap move.

I haven’t done it before. I can’t quite understand English.
Do you have any video introductions or photo screenshots

Try the videos by Feel Your Sound

This video on retriggering shows the use of key switches

Hope these help

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Thanks! I’m so used to checking my software installers I often forget some plugin manufacturers don’t have them, so I miss a lot of updates like these.

Tried to install this in Cubase Pro 13. Installs but does not show up on the plugins list in the DAW.

I do use Phrasebox successfully which is similar, and also Scaler, both of which I highly recommend.

Got it working finally!

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hello. look it!
New Toys

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