Does Scaler EQ have auto gain compensation yet?

I think I know the answer to this one, but after searching everywhere I cant seem to find a definitive answer on whether or not Scaler EQ has received auto gain compensation yet. I saw other people asking about it on YouTube videos and David saying “it’s coming”, but not sure if it has been added yet.

Hi @ApexErich We are working on a major update for Scaler EQ which has some user requested features. There’s still time so may I ask when you say ‘Auto Gain’ do you mean for the dynamics section or are you referring to a ‘Level Match’ function so you can compare Scaler EQ /On/Off at the same dB?

Hey David. Thanks for the response. So I was mainly asking if it was available for level matching so that as I am making adjustments by boosting certain frequencies etc that I won’t be fooled by the volume gain into thinking it sounds better. I usually like to gain match when doing any EQ.

Great. That is coming with the next update. When? I am not so sure but I would expect Q2 2025. It will be a significant update.