Epic Trance, Epic Trance 2, Film Score available

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Soon you will be able to get them on KVR Buy Xtreme Sounds - VST, VST3, Audio Units, AAX Plugins

sound demos (I only used the scaler sounds)
Epic Trance vol 1
Epic Trance vol 2
Film Score

Using your only plugins will obviously make a difference!

Here are some NEW preset demo videos

Epic Trance https://youtu.be/wyrC3pfvi7I
Epic Trance Vol 2 https://youtu.be/IKElBf6gHfU
Film Score https://youtu.be/3ee2Ko7kywo

To save me checking, are these any different to the previous postings ?

Hi these are not updated just updated marketing. Please consider purchasing at Patreon https://www.patreon.com/XtremeSounds (free to join and costs me less) or you may purchase at KVR