Feature request: Ostinatos

I wish Scaler would offer a simple selection of ostinatos as demoed here: https://youtu.be/V2X4SLn_OC8


Yes - Good idea! More flexibility on the arpeggios would help too.


It would be nice and in-keeping with Scaler’s general musical vibe.

We are currently creating content for 2.4 and one of the main focusses for us is a ‘simple/common’ bank across all categories. So simple ostinatos will also feature within Expressions. Potentially some grooves in the arp. You can get simple ostinatos now. Try the new Riffs Within Melody but ensure you go to Settings / Playback and turn Melody Style to Melody only.
Thanks for feedback though, I’m sure you will be happy with 2.4!


Thank @davide, Great pointers to further explore. When do you expect to ship 2.4?

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Aiming for May. Will be there or thereabouts!