Guitar Chords

Scaler should focus on chords on the guitar side. The program could take typical guitar fingerings for different chords. I look at Scaler’s Guitar Fingerboard and noticed that this is not the case. Of course, I can put the chord one note at a time on the fingerboard and Kuullostaa to the right, but it would be faster if it was ready.

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I suspect we’ll have to wait for Scaler 3 for more guitar stuff, but maybe it will be never like e.g. the AAS Strum-GS 2 patterns because this requires a specialized AI, and developing specialized AIs is likely beyond current devs capacities

But I clearly hope that @Ed1 is perfectly able, and I’ll prove to be wrong :grin:

I’ve seen no proof of that. The Devs seem quite adept. I think it’s a matter of noting requests based of what people are wanting and seeing if Scaler will be able to do that without sacrificing the longer goal.
My own opinion of course.

Loth though I am to disagree with @ClaudioPorcellana , @jamieh has a point. I would make two comments

{1} Much of ‘AI’ is a band wagon, and has been for a while. Companies realise they have to be part of that marketing driven rhetoric, and claim to have AI capabilities, or risk being labelled as ‘Legacy’, which is the IT equivalent of admitting to having the pox , or worse. IMHO, claims need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

{2} AI is not new. Research started in earnest in the mid 50’s. It is an incredibly ‘broad church’. So my point is that AI covers a diverse range of approaches with an equally diverse set of skills, and in addition there are a whole range o ‘plugins’ (if you will) which can do the heavy lifting. So I see no reason for the Scaler devs not being able to design such stuff - mathematically much is no worse than DSP technologies.

So the big question for AI and music, is what problem might you use on or other of the techniques to solve? If it’s ‘I want my playing to sound like a human’, you can play the computer 10,000 guitar records and use a third party ‘machine learning’ product to incorporate what it’s picked up, for example. {I simplify, but that’s a conceptual notion]

Maybe I would miss something like this, i.e. real guitar fingerings. I don’t miss Scaler’s Performance guitar as much because I would use another program for that.

Hi pals

I used the term AI, but I don’t know if AAS Strum-GS 2 really has an AI :grin:

They have many banks of strumming patterns that are MIDI specialized to reproduce strumming techniques, and I almost always find them more “realistic” than the few patterns in Scaler

That said, regardless @luapmartin (and possibly other guitarists) are in the team since some time, I didn’t notice epochal improvements in the guitar area so far (apart a dozen of chordals): this is why I say that the option to have specialized strumming in Scaler is quite unlikely, but I would be certainly happy if it could happen anyway :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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BTW, I think we all agree that so far the core of Scaler was building scales

So, when I write “capacities” I don’t mean just the “capacity to program”, but rather the “willing to spend time” in developing non-core Scaler areas

For example, many asked for more instruments, and some were added, but not so much to become a rompler (non-core Scaler area)

You are probably right in that it almost certainly uses some ‘AI’ techniques to get that real feel (e.g. using real performances for training, algorithms rather like a person learning the guitar). My comment was not about the term, but about whether the Scaler
devs could use those techniques, which I guess they can, maybe with the help of third party libraries.

You are surely right in that assessment. The problem is that it’s probably an ‘either/ or’ choice (focus on piano tools or guitar tools) for those areas which are not comment. Probably comes down to a business decision on priorities depending on the user base.

I use

which I have found to be helpful. I also use

for tying chords and scales together. Simple, but then my name isn’t Guthrie Govern (all hail the Master)

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I suspect it is useful because you play a guitar already
but it doesn’t seem an app nor a plugin to me :thinking:

Scaler’s strength should be in chords. However, it is not on the guitar side because the program has not been entered so that it would take correct and general fingerings that guitarists use from different stations. This would probably be easy to program? At least I don’t think it would be difficult to implement.

I think these have zero interest for you, as they are standalone, basic to early intermediate guitar player based tools. I know that you once wielded an axe - we have the pictures - I don’t think you do any plank spanking these days ? %%

It was just informational for @Hulkko

%% I believe these terms are ‘guitar speak’ :slight_smile:

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Interesting slang… :thinking: :grin:
a lot of slang learning in this forum

Hi @Hulkko

have you tested the embedded guitar chord charts? You can access them from the Fretboard view settings. Scaler will show you available finger positions for your chords in Section C:

The included guitar voicings cover most common and playable guitar voicings. Guitar-specific voicings are one of Scaler’s strengths. The only common drop voicing missing is Drop 2-4 and it may be added to the list eventually. The double drop 2 is mostly not used on Guitar.

Get a set of chords you like then save that Set. It can easily be recalled in new projects that use the same chords or chord types. With a possible 64 chords in one instance of Scaler you’ll be able to cover your most-used chords
