How can I use Session Bassist (Native) with scaler?

Hello, Is there a tutorial how I can use Scaler with the «session bassist» from Native Instruments?
Thank you

Hi @andreacorciulo and welcome to the forum, if you look through some of my videos on YouTube
The important thing is to use the Voice Grouping profiles in Scaler 2 to fit all chords within the range of Session Bassist or any other Kontakt Instrument. From memory C2-B3 works with the session guitarist range

Dear David, I feel honored that you responded directly to my inquiry. Thank you! I am eager to try out your instructions. I also want to extend a big compliment to you for your video tutorials. They are understandable, clear, and well-structured.
P.S. I have also completed the “Scaler” video course and learned a lot.

Troppo gentile @andreacorciulo, grazie a vuoi!