How Do I Get The MIDI To My DAW?

I’m using Reaper.

I inserted a virtual instrument track and assigned Scaler 2 to that track.

I open the Scaler 2 panel and choose BASIC PERF 5 and under ARTISTS I choose ABC DU BEATMAKING 2.

I press the PLAY button inside Scaler 2 and a lovely piano piece plays over Eb min9 / Db maj add 13 / Cb maj7 / Bb min7

I want to get this into my DAW but cannot seem to accomplish it.

I tried selecting the chord blocks (#1 in the image) and dragging them into the DAW but they don’t sound right at all.

I tried dragging the chord blocks from #1 to #2 (in the image) and then dragging the blocks from #2 to the DAW but they are still wrong.

Then I tried using MIDI CAPTURE in Scaler (#3 in the image). I clicked the MIDI CAPTURE button, played the chords inside Scaler and dragged them to the DAW but again they are wrong.

I tried transposing the imported MIDI but it never sounded right.

Any idea as to how I get this from Scaler 2 to my DAW?

Hi @JohnRC and welcome to the forum.

Make sure you disable the performance settings in Scaler if you drag the chords to the same track.

Scaler will try to perform the selected pattern on any note you play through, if you dragged the chords already performed on the same track and don’t disable the performance in Scaler it will not sound right.

You can also drag the chords from Scaler to another track and it should sound the way you hear it in Scaler.

Thank you so much Ed1! Once I dragged the MIDI from Scaler to an empty track it works beautifully with my EZ Keys Studio Grand on that track!

I never figured out how to “disable the performance settings in Scaler” but the other way works fine for what I needed to do.

Thanks again!

Hello John,
Performance is turned on and off by a simple toggle of the word “Performance”. So you turned it on to hear “a lovely piano piece plays over” your chords. Once you have the midi from that performance in Reaper if you want to hear it played, you then need to toggle “Performance” to turn it off.

You really need to know both workflows to get full flexiblity out of Scaler.

Welcome to the forum
