Is scaler in the Facebook group? Do you think it is necessary to set up a closed group on Facebook?

Is scaler in the Facebook group? Do you think it is necessary to set up a closed group on Facebook? :smiley:

Why? Is this forum not sufficient?


This forum is perfect :smiley: :+1:

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Facebook is not open. This forum is.

I hope it will never go there

Frankly speaking, FB is 90% a waste of time for serious topics

for example, comments disappear too quickly, flooded by other comments and counter-comments, and tagging people wrongly (it happens quite often) complicates the things

Not mentioning the chance to dislike (or even hate) that could raise the number of flames very likely and worryingly


I rather like this forum if for no other reason than those who are here really like to support each other and are related to the product itself. A FB group will only spoil that and it would also require someone to “Admin” it just to keep topics on focus and eliminate “the riff raff” posters. Just my opinion tho. :slight_smile:

I don’t have Facebook, never have. I can’t imagine Ed is a fan either he is quite nuwave!


This ^

There may be some benefits but overall this forum works (for me at least).

I need to type all this to answer… NO :slight_smile: