Key Switches for VST's

I think it would be an incredible feature, if we could assign key switches triggers to patterns. I would open up a massive amount of creativity when controlling VST’s.

Hi @SteveBark

I am not sure I understand this request.

If you bind Section C you can navigate between patterns using midi notes on a keyboard, and play individual chord blocks within the selected pattern again using midi notes on a keyboard.

Alternatively you can use midi clips to switch between patterns and to trigger chord blocks within a pattern.

So could you clarify what you mean by

I don’t think I explained my idea very well. If each clip had the ability to trigger a key switch in an external VST it would open up the creative possibilities tremendously. It’s just a matter of generating a midi note when the clip plays, so I would imagine that it would be easy to implement.

“imagine that it would be easy to implement”
It is probably rather more complicated than it would appear at first glance. I have no idea how Scaler works, but I suspect that
{a} there is currently no framework to write back user data to the operating Scaler file structures
{b} there is no MIDI internally and it dynamically constructs the MIDI notes from intervals (to facilitate transposition).

I’m just guessing and probably completely wrong, but I also suspect that V3 may well open a door to this, as come of the capabilities mooted imply user based parameters (Favourites, for example.)