Locked in with Scaler - too hot to go out

Couldn’t wander around the mountain for the past few days due to the heat so had lots of computer time and… It’s astonishing that I can make this in 2 days. Scaler allows me to channel all of the feelings I have about my life in so many ways, without having to deal with the complexities of music theory… simply having an objective to create (in this cause goofiness and fun) and then just… doing it. Unreal. But real! THANK YOU! I’m having the time of my life! “Out There” by Gary Yost


I am rather new to Scaler and so far it has opened up a world of possibilities for me and allowed my creative side to kick in more so than before. I have only scratched the surface of what this program can do. I had a similar weekend to you, to hot to go out, so I made music using scaler. Best of luck on your musical journey!

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Glenn, it sounds like we’re in the same place with Scaler and welcome to this new way of composing! Have you done the “Scaler 2 Official Course 2023” yet?

As an example… this is a first draft of some ideas for the third movement of a piece I’m working on called “Welcome to the Anthropocene” and again… Scaler was like a sort of super power that allowed me to focus on the creative side without having to worry about the theory details.

Rough sketch #1 - 3rd movement for “Welcome to the Anthropocene”

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I have not in its entirety but after several video courses from yourtube, I was able to get a handle on some of it. I learn better in sections and then practicing them before moving to more advanced areas. I have read the manual though.
I enjoyed your draft and has some promising outcomes. I have been learning Orchestral, cinematic, fantasy, steampunk vibe with a little EDM undertone feel. I have also used Scaler to help in my backing tracks for my guitar playing. I recently spoke with a teacher about finger style in a Celtic, Gaelic flavor to add to my pieces. I am hoping that I will be able to learn from him. I have never had a teacher in music and this will be a first. Scaler has helped me in so many ways so far in learning theory and making my ideas possible.
Thank you for your kind comments. I hope your journey in music is as enjoyable (and frustrating at the same time) as I find it to be. It is a very relaxing and exciting to see your ideas come to life.

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We (and all of the Scaler users) are just unbelievably lucky. :sunny:

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