Make it easy to add a tonic note one octave lower

Super easy to do it Cthulhu. I wish you would add this to Scaler 2.

Have you tried the voice grouping ‘dynamic’ profile top right?

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I have no problem adding a lower bass note. Dynamic voicing usually takes care of it.

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Yeah, I use Dynamic. However, I can’t change the octaves of the top notes. I wish there were more options. I usually add lower notes by editing the chords.

Def want to add more voice grouping profiles. You know you can edit one chord as you like, right click and copy (extract) voicing and then up to the voice grouping and use ‘extracted voicing’ and it will apply to every chord you play. Allows you to do any voicing with a few clicks!

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Thanks…I just tried that and it works great! What I have been looking for!