More than seven chords in chord set

in Song/Delibass/First take i noticed that the chord set has more than 7 chords and they are all playable through more than two octaves. Is it possible to make it work like this with sets that the user creates?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to do the same as that. There are 8 chords to a Pattern. Patterns can be linked.

That’s awesome! How does one do that? I see no option for linking anywhere

Hello @jrmle

I’ve done a little screen recording to show you how to add all chords from Delibass-First Take in your progression builder (Section C). you can also drag each chord one by one and create a new pattern manually , by clicking the “+” button next to Pattern 1.


Thank you, that was helpful :slight_smile:

Thats great @Georgio we should add this to our onboard tutorials. Super helpful