My new Frankfurt Studio is near complete

Nice. I’m definitely wanting to get the KL88 with the weighted keybed but it’s dissapointing to hear that it doesn’t play well with Bitwig. Doesn’t look like Driven By Moss has done anything for the Keylab. This should really be Bitwig’s responsibility. They need to do an audit of what’s popular and get controller support sorted out. Mind you, Arturia should also support basic midi standards.

I abandoned Bitwig exactly because it never recognized all my 3 MIDI controllers, YUK
I really don’t understand why it is so fussy about controllers

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Yeah it’s such a ridiculous oversight on their part. I don’t get it. I’ll never give up Bitwig though, no other DAW has the things it has when it comes to midi manipulation, modulations and routing. I have always been able to get controllers to work with their generic driver if there’s no direct support.

See how I used the generic driver to get my Akai MPD218 drum pad (with six rotor knobs) to work.

Not ideal, but also not a deal-breaker for me.

@Bernd should be able to get his Keylab to work with the generic driver…

Hi Ed,

By Midi manipulation, I’m specifically referring to plugins that take midi input, manipulate the content (change it) and then output the results. So Scaler is an example of this. Bitwig has many stock plugins that give you the building blocks to build practically any midi processing machine you could imagine.

And then on top of all those plugins, they have something called the “note grid” which is a space for wiring up your own midi processor. I don’t do grids. I’m afraid that if I started messing with them, I would never leave my computer.

And then if that’s not enough, you can “modulate” any of those parameters using one of bitwigs many modulators

Here is a cute example of just a handful of the midi manipulators.

And bitwig’s arpeggiator is also a monster in it’s own right - especially when you add modulators to it.

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This is not THE “Scaler” that we all know and love…

Nope. Something else entirely (name collision).