No presets available in Scaler EQ

Hello. Just installed and registered my scaler eq. It is open and working in Reaper 64bit, Windows 10. However, there are no presets. The preset bar returns a black box with >all, >favourites and >user but is otherwise blank. I saw in the manual and video tutorial that it should come loaded with presets. How do I get presets? Thanks!

Very strange, I am assuming you didn’t move any folders around after install? And I am assuming you tried the old reinstalling and restarting your machine? Failing that @jchdejong can you confirm where OP could find them or any other ideas?

Thanks for the response. Apparently I did not see the checkbox for the presets on the original installation. Reinstalled and everything is there! Thanks again!

Hi guys! Good to hear this was solved :slight_smile: Cheers! Jochem

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