I’m new to Scaler, and I just discovered a disappointing omission:
I’m writing a song in B♭major, which of course includes its relative G minor. When auditioning song sets, I’d like to hear them in keys that relate to my song, which means this:
If a song set was originally written in a major key, I want to hear that set in B♭major.
But if a song set was originally written in a minor key, I want to hear that set in G minor.
This way, whether a song set was written in a major key or a minor key, I’ll be able to audition it in a key that relates to my current song. This seems basic to me, and yet, I have yet to find any way to do this in Scaler.
Instead, if I use “Force Into Scale” and choose B♭major, that means any song set that was originally intended to be in a minor key will be forced into a major key—which changes the intent. (I realize that in some cases this may be desired behavior. But in my case, it is not.)
Conversely, if I use “Force Into Scale” and choose G minor, that means any song set that was originally intended to be in a major key will be forced into a minor key.
So, it seems there’s no way to hear song sets in their intended, original mode (major or minor) while staying in relative keys (i.e., C major and A minor, etc.). As such, the only way to hear song sets in their intended mode—but in required, relative keys—is to:
• Select the song set
• Note the existing key
• Calculate the difference to the desired key
• Then select the number of half steps up or down to get to that key
Dear developers, in the “Force Into Scale” section, please, please give us the option to choose “Relative Major/minor” combinations, so that (a) song sets that are originally major remain major and (b) song sets that are originally minor remain minor.
(And if I’ve somehow overlooked this functionality, please do let me know. I’d be thrilled to learn that what I need to do is already currently possible.)