Scaler 2.5 is Awesome!

New user here since 4/25/2022. I have watch all the tutorials and videos I can find, some multiple times, and am really enjoying Scaler 2.5 a lot. If I’m not mistaken, Scaler is actually designed to help create chord progressions for a starting point.

However, I am wondering if Scaler can be used or has been used by anyone to create bass lines similar to the bass in Sade’s No Ordinary Love.

If anyone can provide some bread crumbs as a possible starting point I could use to generate something similar it would be great.

Also, is it possible to generate lead guitar similar to Stairway to Heaven?


Have you some easier task maybe?

That said, using the Search feature in this forum should drive you on many relevant posts
have fun

The bass on

sounds like it is a synchopated walking bass so try a chord sequence like IV III ii i in a Dorian mode with a funk bass performance.

It does not fully fit because I don’t think Scaler has any synchopated bass riffs that match the synchopation on

Thank you for the replies. I’ll see what I can come up with.

If you have a Demo of Ableton Live it can convert the song to midi for further analysis.

Hope this helps.

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I think that Cakewalk can also do this as it includes a copy of Celemony Melodyne.

The issue is capturing a copy of the video to load and analyse.

Yes. That too.

There’s many ways to accomplish the task.

Correct, and they have just issued an update …