Scaler 2 Apple M1 compatibility ETA

Hi, When is the the update for Scaler Control compatibility with Apple M1 expected? I am dead in the water with my projects.


Hi @tripedal

we are working on it but don’t have an exact ETA.

In the meantime, you can use the AU instrument version and drag the midi to your track. You could also use a third party host allowing you to load VSTs and route the midi to other synth/plugins.

Thanks for your patience,

Thanks for the reply… Will there be a new release when the compatibility is resolved?


A point update, 2.3 due soon so it will be a free update. This depends on a few factors as all third party MIDI FX’s not playing well with M1 Big Sur atm

Is there a way get the beta version? Scaler 2.2 is not working with Big Sur and Logic :frowning: so it would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance

Scaler 2.2 is already compatible with Big Sur and M1.
Only Logic Pro prevents you from using the MIDI-FX version. This is a Logic Pro issue, not Scaler.

You can use ScalerControl 2.2 in LUNA as a MIDI-FX on a M1 machine with Big Sur.

Thanlks! Does Scaler 2 works with M1 Max + Monterey?

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I have Scaler 2.5.0 working on an M1 Max, but it does cause glitches/spikes in CPU usage that cause a clicking/popping sound. It seems to happen when in record and performing. I do get the issue when playing back as well, but not as often.

any update on the Scaler M1 support would be greatly appreciated. I have to reinstall the OS because something caused a CPU spike and noise that i can’t get rid off - even removing all plug ins and just using Logic’s own plug ins. I don’t know if this was caused by Scaler or the other plugins I installed. but i am only goi g to install M1 native plug ins from now on. Hopefully Scaler will be M1 native soon because it is my most important plug in!