Scaler 2 Course by Davide Carbone

I’m sure they will give you a refund if you feel the format is not acceptable.

Many of the topics are on YouTube, and if you haven’t downloaded them you could do so with the free, and very efficient, 4K Video Downloader | Free Video Downloader for PС, macOS and Linux | 4K Download .

In @davide 's video at the top of this post, he did say it was ‘on-line’ but maybe that was easy to miss.

please add subtitle file I can get it after it is added :slight_smile:

Indeed, Gerhard Lengeling is still the head of the Logic team at Cupertino. I think they deserve a lot more credit than they get keeping Logic Pro X true to its roots after all this time.

@Royarn Hi Roy, go back to the email you received when you purchased the course (either from Plugin Boutique or School of Synthesis) and follow the contact detail and request a refund. I can tell you that you are the first person that has requested downloadable vids. Please appreciate that not everyone has genuine intentions like yourself and hundreds of hours and lots of resources were put into creating the Scaler 2 Course so there needs to be some protection in place.

Subtiles and translations are being added as we speak I believe, please check back soon.

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I’ve Made a request at Plugin Boutique and await there reply.
I have bought at least 30 training video’s from Groove3 over the years, and they are all downloadable and or available online and dont see them going out of buisiness anytime soon as a result, so very suprised at your trust issues here…

“so very suprised at your trust issues here…”
I don’t have any trust issues at all. It’s not my product, so I don’t actually care either way. However, I tried to emphasize with your issues, but ventured an entirely third party perspective on why the Scaler people might (I’ve no knowledge on this) want to offer it on-line only. I certainly did not intend to make any value judgement on your point of view - it’s absolutely your right to have one.

Is there any validity in my guess on the rationale ? Not really, but I did run a business for 37 years entirely dependent on it’s intellectual property content, and, not unreasonably, we took stringent precautions to protect that. Some would-be purchasers objected to that, and of course they were free to buy from another source which I respected.

So I wasn’t trolling you, so perhaps we can leave it at that.

Is there a coupon code to enter when purchasing the course?

[Edit] Also, is this self-paced & available indefinitely once purchased?

Thank you for the course. Even though I already knew most of the features, I still found a lot of new things. That course inspired a lot and opened up even more how versatile Scaler is. By far the best application on the market for composing and studying chords, etc.

A quick search turned up a site where nearly every Groove 3 tutorial is freely downloadable. This may not have put them out of business but it clearly does cause monetary loss of some sort.
While it would be nice to have the Scaler tutorials on my drive, I respect their decision not to. Same as I respect your decision not to buy.

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I just took the quiz for module 2 and it said I got the wrong answer. The variations menu gives you scale degrees, not sus chords.

This is a creative example from what I picked up from Module 3.

I picked a random artist chordset and did all the steps in exercise. I came up with a nice hip-hop beat.

Let me know what you think!

In the variations menu, when you select your note you get all the possible chords in that key including all of the suspended chords. The voicings menu give you some suspended but not all suspended hence it’s the wrong answer.


I was one of the people described in intro who purchased Scaler 2 (2 years ago) but only used a fraction of it’s capacity. Took the course whilst applying what I was learning to new projects on Abelton and feel I’ve made an exponential jump in terms of what I can now get out of it. Have regretted giving up piano as a kid and although I can never catch up in terms of spontaneous technical ability, this at least allows me to be creative with sounds in a way I’d never manage otherwise.

Thank you, more than worth the cost.


Where does the course live? I’ve paid for it and accessed it previously but now can’t find it. When I search under my account under pluginboutique it’s not found, asking me to purchase it again.

AH nevermind;