Scaler 2 for a Chicken Song

The chicken song is there Rock à la coque

Here is the cover
It is truncated on SoundCloud, but you can admire this splendor here :crazy_face: :rofl:

And here is the Italian text (maybe that @davide can understand the subtle two-way lyrics, LOL)

I verse

Rock a la coque, la zampa fa croc
il gallo è un poco vecchio, un vero broc
e la gallina, non ha fatto pulcini
E il contadino, pensa già ai brodini

Il gallo mica è scemo, non vuole andar nel brodo
E dice alla gallina, piantiamo sto chiodo
Facciamo un pulcino, poi andiamo in pensione
Bella idea galletto, sei un istrione

Andiamo al zamp-a-terre, e fammi volare
Sì alza la piuma, che provo a entrare
Croooock, Coook, Coook!

II verse

Rock a la coque, la zampa fa croc
il gallo è vecchio , ma fa il bot
e la gallina ha fatto l’ovetto
E tutti raggianti lo vedon perfetto

L’ovetto covato, emette dei suoni
Si sentono già delle, vibrazioni
Strani rumori, e qualche pling-plong
Ma cosa sarà, questa specie di splong?

Il gallo e la gallina sono tutti frementi
Dai che si apre, senti che sfregamenti
grat-sgrat-sgraaaat, crick-crick criiick!
Ma cos’è quella roba, cos’è quel jack?

E io sarei il padre?
Ma va là non ci credo!

Ma guarda che roba
è stato certo il cucùlo!

I composed the song thinking to use the English text written by an UK friend, but my bad English pronounciation stopped me doing that, and I decided to use an Italian text instead

Below is the Nick’s text

Rock a la coque a hen with her mate
That rooster they say is no lightweight
The hen is young and ever so cool
As they swan along in the wading pool

Tried many a time to make things click
But lo and behold still no chick
the toing a froing, isn’t getting it going
maybe the hen is nothing but blowing

finding the right way to make a chick
is leaving our rooster feeling crick
but it’s time to hurry, and straighten the post
So as not to end up as that weeks roast

rock a la coque a hen and her mate
it seems finally they got inti-mate
the cock of this ditty is in full flow
while that little hen is all aglow

with feathers a flying and beating wings
this isn’t just gonna be one of those flings
with one last gasp and a sudden sigh
It seems that neither bird is going to fry

All bluster, bravo and cock-a-hoop
They are the stars of the chicken coup
Nestled down on an odd-shaped egg
With a crack and a bang it seems bizarre

What a fright I can’t be the father!
How horrible I can’t be the mother!

If somebody is brave enough to sing this for me, I would be glad to upload the English version, LOL