Scaler 2 is so confusing

I searched the myriad of menus to use the one key plays a chord mode and the right hand uses the keys of that chord but I could not find it.

The plugin is just unintuitive for me.

I just use Cubase Chord Pads which also has a pattern mode,much easier to use.

Scaler 2 with all those confusing menus at the top gives me a headache every time I use it.

What does Key Lock do ?
Just too many options within options like most plugins these days.

Daws are getting like that also.

Welcome here. You’ll find board participants can be very helpful.

“The plugin is just unintuitive for me.”
I think this is a common issue for most software with wide scope and functions.

The Scaler (and Plugin Boutique) guys have done some really great videos, starting at an introductory level. Ok, you have to spend time watching to get going, but I’ll guarantee you’ll spend more time randomly hitting buttons and getting frustrated.

There’s also a very good paid course (cheap , through) for once you become familiar with the basics, if that’s your thing. It really depends what your goals are with the software.

Try starting at

I have watched those tuts many times but can’t get my head around Scaler 2 when I use it.

What are you having trouble understanding? I was working with Scaler 1 in 20 minutes and have kept at it and I’m looking forward to Scaler 3. You keep posting these random thoughts all over the site but you are saying why you aren’t getting it. The videos are very thought out. I use Cubase with Scaler all the time. It’s a great combo. I put chords from Scaler into the chord track. Works brilliantly.
But software is like food, not everyone will like every dish. If Scaler isn’t working for you and Cubase is, just use Cubase. If you want to explain what you don’t understand we’ll try and help. We need a little more than “It’s too hard”,

This is the very basic of your ask - The bind buttons turn Blue when you click them. When clicked and are Blue AND you have chords in the Patterns, they will show up as dark grey on the keyboard. Play those keys on your MIDI keyboard and you will trigger the chords in order one after the other. They are set to start at C2 and on up but that can be changed under Preferences.
The Keys Lock is for locking the keys to the notes of the Scaler or chords you are playing with the left hand. If you are a real keyboard player maybe don’t worry about that. You can set it to play notes of the scale or notes of the chord. It’s up to you. This is just the very basic idea. There is lots more.

I agree that too much stuff is buried in menus but it is still worth it to be patient and persistent when learning it. It is way more advanced than anything else out there that is aimed at similar functionality and thats why it is difficult to get into. There is no substitute for time spent experimenting.

I find that many tutorials can be a bit wordy yet somehow miss the mark with descriptions - usually because they gloss over things that they assume you already know.

Keep at it. I will most likely create some tutorials on my own YT channel when I get the chance (which is not much these days).

Keep at it. Don’t get discouraged. You will reap the rewards (eventually).

well, if you don’t understand tutorials made by professionals, full of special effects, try a plain tutorial made by a mousier aka me :smile:

or this one

Note: I made subtitles by myself, so don’t activate Google automatic subtitles that are a crap

Hi @darrenmcms

Scaler is a complex product that has evolved quite quickly, and so can be confusing to newcomers.

Having said that , if I understand what you are trying to do is play chords with one finger in your left hand and play a melody with your right hand.

To do this simply enable bind in Section C. The grey keys will play the chords in Section C, but please note that the first grey key (C2) plays the first block, and the second key plays the second block. If you have more than one pattern, then you will find a block of green notes in the octave below the grey notes, You an use these to select the pattern.

In the screenshot above C2 will trigger pattern 1, block 1 which is a Cmaj chord. D2 will trigger pattern 2, block 2 which is a Fmaj chord. E2 will trigger pattern 2, block 2 which is an Amin chord.

You can bind multiple patterns, which is best illustrated on the PAD page.

In the screenshot below, which is taken from the PAD page, C1 has selected pattern 1 and C2 will trigger pattern 1, block 1 which is a Cmaj chord. D2 will trigger pattern 2, block 2 which is a Fmaj chord. E2 will trigger pattern 2, block 2 which is a Cmaj chord.

If D1 is played then Pattern 2 is enabled. Now C2 will trigger Pattern 2 Block 1 (Cmaj), D2 will trigger Pattern 2 Block 2 (Fmaj), E2 will trigger Pattern 2 Block 3 (Gmaj).

Irrespective of which pattern is selected you can play the melody on the keys above the BIND keys.

If this melody is in too higher a pitch you can move the BIND keys down an octave in the Settings ->Preferences menu.