Welcome John !
Something really strange is going on because this has not been reported by Windows users here *** . (I’m assuming you use Windows because Cakewalk is not supported AFAIK on Apple)
I have both Cakewalk and Live with the latest Scaler version and I have yet to experience any issues. Perhaps you could confirm you o/s version?
Can you give any more information about the circumstances of a crash ? If you fire up (say) Live and drop in Scaler VST3 at what point does crash occur ? Do you have any other VST’s resident at the time which might cause issues?
I did use Nanohost but at my last attempt it did not support VST3, so I switched to the free version of Cantabile (I now have a paid version) See https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/
*** Check the search for OpenGL, and in particular this post
I’m sure we can get this sorted !