Scaler is good at... Acid Jazz

Hi there

This is a tribute to a band I love, and I had the privilege of seeing in Turin in 2010 and 2012

The Incognito band, with its series of lustful musicians, captained by Jean-Paul “Bluey” Maunick

It is also the more complex project I did so far, with more that a dozen of Scaler instances driving different instruments with various routings and techiniques

Let us start with the initial routing: each Scaler sends its output to the instrument to the right

I generally use the 1st routing to audit, and after I record all performances and disconnect Scalers from instruments, so the final routing is be the one below

An now the several Scaler instances: I think their names are fine to understand what plugin they are feeding

Electric acco.xml (13.7 KB)
Guitar.xml (13.9 KB)
Sax ensemble.xml (14.1 KB)
Trumpet.xml (72.6 KB)
VB-III acco.xml (13.3 KB)

Drums & percussions weren’t driven by Scaler and the bass is driven by the guitar

I tried a lot of Scaler patterns for the Sax ensemple, but no one persuaded me, differently from trombone and trumpet, so it was driven by Broomstick Bass

Now, if somebody could suggest me Scaler patterns that are suitable for a Sax ensemble he/she is welcome :grinning:

And now some picture for the plugins that have a GUI

The bass is used without MIDI Polysher so that some AAS Strum-GS notes fall in the red area changing the BB pattern, adding variability

AAS Strum-GS is used first driven by Scaler in Loop mode, then I use the usual trick to have the MIDI in another track, feeding AAS Strum-GS in Guitar mode (I explain this in my tutorials about AAS Strum-GS)

And here the usual (AFAIR) positioning of the Incognito band on stage, recreated with Izotope’s Visual Mixer

And here is the final result after Mix & Max Incognito Tribute


OK, I just tried sax. Perform for Bass and then went up by one octave.

The result is quite acceptable.

OK, Here are some other screen shots:




The other patterns and what is inside the patterns are the repetitions of performances I already used in this instance of Scaler.

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Oh, yes, basslines are usually fine, @Miki and I used Broomstick Bass indeed to (try to) create it

I’ll try the legato as well

And another thing that I found useful but not tested deeply, is using arpeggios in a creative way, i.e. a different arpeggo for each chor and with different timings
If I found something interesting I’ll share it

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errr… I see but for sax ensemble I mean a funk brass section
or this one

(P.S. forget I dance as those Men :crazy_face: :rofl:)

I found not difficult the trumpet and trombone section, but the sax is another story
clearly, maybe that another plugin may work better, but my budget was low, so I have to milk my Big Band Essentials by ProjectSAM

OK, I did it (not really synchronized, , I admit, but you can see the idea) by copying and pasting MIDI notes one octave higher and one octave lower, so I have a kind of “three saxes” in one track. You can do the same with any of your brass instruments.


Maybe Rotary from Sine Player could be of use to you.
Remember it’s free

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Looks interesting. I’ll check tomorrow.

Hi @jjfagot I think that Band Essentials by ProjectSAM is not different, and I also have Detunized Sax appeals

My problem is finding Scaler patterns that are suitable for funk brass sections, and the only suitable are basslines, notably in the funk area but not only
But there are too few of them, so I hope that devs @Ed1 & Co will add way more in the next realese

And you also need a quick and easy way to transpose, and using Ableton live, Pitch is the best I found so far, way faster than MIDI Polisher

BTW, basslines are wonderful to create other exotic composition as I’ll explain im ny next tutorial :grinning: