Switching from Ableton Live to Bitwig

does midi polisher program work in Logic Pro X?

Itā€™s VST only. It would need to run in a wrapper like Blue Cat Patchworks in Logic.

thanks for all inputs

the reason why I could prefer Note Filter to MIDI Polysher is that the former is easier: just write the first an last note of the range

in MIDI Polysher instead you have to drop down numbers or clicks by trial & errors

On the other hand, if you have ONLY to block pesty notes, MIDI Polysher is easiere: click on notes played on the fly
while Note Filter isnā€™t :upside_down_face:

My dream is clearly a WYSIWYS tool for setting key-ranges and ALSO stopping pesty notes :grinning:

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in practice, I donā€™t know the name of the note to block in advance
and MIDI Polysher lets me block the note by eyes and on the fly, while Note Filter not
I hope I explained it correctly

It doesnā€™t take long to learn a simple key to notes. C3 is the center of the keyboard. If you learn that the rest is easy.

Well, after having swallowed the death of Izotopeā€™s Relay & Visual Mixer (this forces me to study Mix & Max better, that is not so bad) and of Toontracks Audio Sender (there is another simple way to have the bassline, even directly from Scaler) I can say the switch was a good move

Bitwig is way more comprehensive and mature, and yet easy enough to use, and itā€™s faster and more reliable

Only sometimes it freezes on some project searching for plugins, dunno why
but closing and reopening the project, all comes back to life usually

You could turn off scanning for each time you open. Once you have everything scanned click the circle so itā€™s not ORANGE. Only turn it back on when you install something new. Itā€™s faster if itā€™s not scanning every time it opens.
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You are :boom: bastic!