Template for Studio One v6

In Studio One, tracks, channels and instrument default names are not uniform which can make mapping a bit confusing.
The attached song template addresses this by mapping 5 “sync’ed” Scaler tracks to 5 channels and 5 instruments for each of the following Scaler perform modes:

  1. Performance
  2. Melody
  3. Phrases
  4. Rhythm
  5. Bass

Now they have uniform names so they are easy to match up.

1. instruments are the stock “Mai Tai” instrument. (sounds are random and not according to perform mode)
2. all Scaler tracks are in the “Scalers” folder
3. Scaler channels have been “hidden” in the mixer as they normally don’t need mixing
4. when replacing the instrument, sadly the names will change so it is suggested to immediately rename the channel & instrument as to their perform mode (to keep things uniform)

To use:

  1. copy the 2 files from the attached file to:
    scaler2 template.xml (30.4 KB)

    C:\Users\(YOUR NAME)\Documents\Studio One\templates\v6\Songs
  2. select the “scaler2 template” from the “User” templates.

This is just a “kick-start” for using Scaler in Studio One V6 and can be customized as needed.

the system won’t let me upload the template files so I tried to trick it by renaming the “zip” to “xml” so you should rename it to “zip” and it should work… If not, go to the “Studio One” board here:
PreSonus Forums | Template for Scaler2 S1v6 | Studio One Forum Community Support


Thanks a lot this can save a lot of time and head scratching of my old bonce, and a big plus it worked first time, I normally do something wrong :rofl:

Glad it helps!
One thing I realized after the fact, it seems Mai Tai is NOT polyphonic, so you won’t really get the full effect until you change to a different instrument…