Toggle Scaler Performance Mode on and off

I tried searching for this so if this is already answered I apologize. I frequently use the performance mode in Scaler. When I get to the end of the song or a place to “ring out” I use another track of scaler with the performance mode turned off so I can get the chord to ring out. I just barely discovered CC mapping but it appears there is only recall playback settings. Not a way to turn off play back mode. I do see that I can set the playback mode to OFF and then map that, but do I really need to have another midi CC note to turn it back on? With all my scaler tracks that would be a lot of midi CC notes to recall their original playback. Is there a way to just toggle performance mode on and off with either a trigger or some other way? I feel that maybe my answer is in patterns, but I dont really know of a way to ensure my patterns play correctly unless I put the song to the very start and let all the patterns play. If I go to say the 1st verse and start playing it the patterns go back to pattern 1. Maybe there is a way to say when another pattern is supposed to play? I dont know. Any advice on toggling the performance mode on and off or how to get patterns to play at the correct section? Thanks so much.