Using Audio Detection to guess scales from complex free solos

Preamble: The video made by Davide used a very simple input, but what happens with a complex one?

Playing a miniMoog, even if not the real stuff, is a lot of fun :heart_eyes:

I mean playing freely, moving sliders and buttons, without the cage of chords

I played some time this way, up to realizing that the solo was possibly useful for a complete song, so I recorded and dropped the audio output to EZ Bass, and then to EZ Drummer 3 to have a basis

BTW, the reason why I love these 2 plugins so much is the easiness to put them in the formula, with zero hassle; too bad that other plugins, notably guitars aren’t so easy

Then I used Scaler Audio to get a series of chords and the scale (a G Persian) from the Minimonsta

Scaler-Audio from the moog.xml (72.7 KB)

and I used it then to (try to) drive a guitar

This part of the process was not easy, as I said, because those plugins aren’t integrated in the Toontrack ecosystem, but I was eventually able to use this NI Sunburst

I then used the Isotopes to Mix & Max

I can say that my preferred combo includes currently some Relays + Visual Mixer + Ozone Imager + Tonal Balance

With these tools, I can place the instruments in the space easily and visually, a lot easier than using (my) ears…

And here is the resulting tune Moogy

I hope that some expert advice me to improve the mix, because I’m not skilled in it (not mentioning the rest :grin:)

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